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第79页 (第1/2页)
好在,许落河并未令他失望。 于是,他退出了游戏,动了动手指,示意他之前关照的娱记将他之前发给对方的证据发布。 对方早就已经等久了,听到对方这么说,立刻表示自己一定可以做的很好。 洛南之前就查过对方的履历,所以并不担心对方的能力,所以他安排好了一切,便站起身来,往厨房走去。 他来到了厨房中许落河的身后,许落河正在烹饪骨头汤,发现了身后的男人,便忍不住露出了个真心实意的笑来。“怎么了?” 洛南没回话,只是用手抱住了对方腰,将唇贴到了对方的脸上。 许落河便躲了躲,幅度很小,他不好意思地缩了缩脖子,手中的汤勺拿着也有着些微的颤抖。“别蹭我了。” 他稍微有点羞恼,但洛南知道对方也不过只是害臊了而已,所以他非但没有住手,反而变本加厉起来。 “嗯?你说什么?”洛南当作没有听到对方的抗拒。 "Don't... "Xu luohe was about to say, but his ear was rubbed by the tip of his tongue. "No, I'm making soup... "Although he still said the words of reje, but his voice had begun to tremble hoarsely, it is not so much a reje, but also in the face of reje. Lonan know xu luo river, naturally know that he is only embarrassed now, in fact, the old like this exg game. So he didn't stop. Instead, he said quietly, "simmer it for a while, it will be more delicious." "... When I turn down the heat... "He said in a hard way, and lonan gave a low laugh. Sexy laughter echoed iher's ears, making xu luo river more ashamed up. But in the end, Mr. Loered each other i, in a way that had never been used before. Xu luohe was dried crisp and crisp ma ma, the whole body heat wave tao day, but could not help but ring each other's neck, looking forward to each other further ih. 终于,两人