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我弯在你告白时_分节阅读_82 (第1/1页)
你我年少轻狂,不惧岁月漫长 The crazy days, city lights 纵情时光,华灯初上 The way you'd play withlike a child 我们嬉戏疯狂,如孩提时光 Will you still lovewhen I'mlonger young aiful? 你是否爱我如初,当韶华逝去,容颜不再? Will you still love mew when I got nothing butag soul? 你是否爱我如初,当我一无所有,遍体鳞伤? I know you willt;bgt; target="_blank"> 文字首发无弹窗lt;/bgt;ill 我深知你会,我深知你会 I know that you will 我深知你的爱经久绵长 Will you still lovewhen I'mlonger beautiful? 你是否爱我如初,当韶华逝去,容颜不再? I've seen the world, litup 我看过繁华,点亮世界 stage now 作为我的舞台 eling ahe new age now 时空扭转,时光不再,这是新的时代 Hot summer days, ro' roll 仲夏炎炎,激情四射 The way you play forat your show 你盛装登场,独为我而唱 And all the ways I gotknow 所有这一切,我不能遗忘的 Your pretty fad electric soul 你美好的外表,和不羁的灵魂 Will you still lovewhen I'mlonger young aiful? 你是否爱我如初,当韶华逝去,容颜不再? Will you still lovewhen I got nothing butag soul? 你是否爱我如初,当我一无所有,遍体鳞伤? I know you willt;bgt; target="_blank"> 文字首发无弹窗lt;/bgt;ill 我深知你会,我深知你会 I know that you will 我深知你的爱经久绵长 Will you still lovewhen I'mlonger beautiful? 你是否爱我如初,当韶华逝去,容颜不再? Dear Lord, when I gethe□□en 亲爱的主,当我离开人世 Please letbringman 请允许我与他同行 Wheellthat you'll let him 当他到来时,告诉我您将应允 Father tellif you 主啊,告诉我您将允许 that grace,that body 那样的优雅,那样的身躯 that face 那样的脸庞, makesarty