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02 初来乍到 (第4/8页)
1. do not fet to clo and out. 你上下班时不要忘了打卡。 2. what if i fet to clo? 如果我忘记打卡怎么办? 3. you should report to the manager about your work every month. 你应该每月向经理汇报工作。 4. salary will be docked by the day regarding those whranted for leave. 对获准请假者, 按日扣发工资。 5. if you are absent without reason, your double salary will be deducted on a day basis. 如果无故缺勤,将按日扣掉双倍工资。 6. the pany offers a high traveling subsistence allowao its employees. 公司给员工提供比较高的出差津贴。 7. you must take the work permit when you are in work. 你工作时必须要戴上工作证。 8. how often do we get paid? 我们多久发一次工资? 最爱新员工培训 dialogue gee is employed by a pany. the training specialist mr. ye decides to give him a pre-job training. 乔治被一家公司录用了。这家公司的培训师叶先生决定给他进行就业前培训。 mr. ye: i'd like to show the training program to you. 叶先生:我想给你说说你的培训计划。 gee: how long is it? 乔治:我需要培训多久? mr. ye: about one month. first i will give an overview of our pany. and you will learn about our products, marketing strategy and market information. and you o go to our merdiser so as to know more about our firm. 叶先生:大概一个月。首先我会向你介绍我们公司的概况。你要了解公司的产品、销售策略和市场信息。此外,为了更深地了解我们公司,你需要去卖场体验一番。 gee: oh, that will be very iing. 乔治:哦,那一定很有趣。 mr. ye: but it will also be very tired. 叶先生:但是也会很辛苦。 gee: it's just a piece of cake. i must bear hardships to be an outstanding salesman. 乔治:这没问题。要成为一名销售精英,我必须得吃苦。 mr. ye: that's good. and in the last two weeks you will work with a seasoned salesman and learn how to deal with the ers. 叶先生:很好。在最后两星期,你会跟着一名有经验的销售人员一起工作,学习如何和顾客打交道。 gee: sounds good. i think the training will be helpful for my further w. 乔治:听起来不错。我觉得这次培训对我以后的工作会有很大帮助。 notes 1. overview ['?uv??vju:] n.纵览;总的看法 2. merdiser ['m?:t??