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02 初来乍到 (第6/8页)
k in hand is just done. 蒂娜:听到这事我很难过。你不用担心,我可以帮你,我刚做完了手头的工作。 anna: that's terrific. this is the revised draft, and please add the data to the first 15 pages acc to the draft in the puter. the rest are mine. 安娜:那太好了。这是修改好的草稿,你在电脑上把前15页按照这份草稿加上数据就行了,剩下的我来干。 tina: take it easy. we ha on time. 蒂娜:放心吧,我们会按时完成的。 anna: yeah. thank you a million, tina. 安娜:嗯。非常感谢你,蒂娜。 notes 1. upset [?p'set] v. 心烦意乱;搅乱;n. 不安;adj. 心烦的 2. oh 究竟,到底 3. a cat on hot bricks 热锅上的蚂蚁 4. fearful ['fi?f?l]adj. 可怕的;不安的;严重的 5. mess [mes] n. 脏乱状态;困境;v. 弄糟,弄脏,搞乱 6. scheme [ski:m] n. 计划,方案;阴谋;v. 密谋,策划 7. terrifi [t?'rifik] adj.极妙的;极大的 8. revise [ri'vaiz] v. 修订,修改;复习 小贴士 1. you give me some tips please? 您能指点一下我吗? 2. do you have any questions? 你有什么问题吗? 3. i've got so much to do. 我有好多事要干。 也可以这样说: i have many things to do. 4. would you mind giving me a hand? 可以请您帮帮忙吗? 也可以这样说: would you please help me? 5. i'll be glad to. 乐意为您效劳。 也可以这样说: with pleasure. 6. you did me a great favor. thank you. 你帮了我大忙,谢谢你。 7. don't be afraid to ask for assistance. 不要害怕向别人求助。 8. whenever you are in trouble, you call me for help. 不管你什么时候遇到困难,你都可以找我帮忙。 熟能生巧需磨练 dialogue susan starts w in a firm. one day she meets some troubles and asks her colleage for help. 苏珊开始在一家公司工作了。一天,她在工作中遇到了一些困难,于是就向同事寻求帮助。 susan: excuse me, john. could you give me some advi how to write a marketing survey report? 苏珊:打扰一下,约翰。关于怎样写市场调查报告你能给我一些建议吗? john: have you made a marketing survey? 约翰:你做市场调查了吗? susan: yes, i pleted it yesterday. 苏珊:是的,我昨天完成的。 john: how did you make it? 约翰:以哪种方式做的调查? susan: i have adopted randomized samplihod and iig