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01 接待客户 (第5/5页)
ing. and i want to take the task to you. 吉姆:你知道的,盖茨先生刚刚来到我们公司洽谈生意。我们要为他接风洗尘,我想把这个任务交给你。 tom: are we going to have a dihis evening? 汤姆:今晚要举办宴会吗? jim: a buffet. you should allow for the guest's eating habits and the appropriate food for him, not only serving yourself. 吉姆:是自助餐宴会。要考虑到客户的饮食习惯,然后为他挑选合适的食物,而不是根据自己的胃口选择。 tom: that's a little difficult. 't you give the task to someone else? 汤姆:有点难。你能不能让别人来做这事儿呢? jim: no, sorry, i 't. it belongs to you. 吉姆:对不起,不能。非你莫属。 notes 1. work out 解决,确定;想出;制订出;计算 2. deal [di:l] n. 协定,交易;大量;v. 应付;处理;交易,经营 3. buffet ['b?fit] n.自助餐,饮食柜台;打击;v. 连续猛击,打击 4. allow for 考虑到,顾及;为……留出余地 5. ba ['b??kwit] n. 宴会;v. 参加宴会 小贴士 很多时候,一些谈判和商讨都是在餐桌上完成的,一顿成功的商务晚餐可以令任何一种商业关系得到巩固。选定餐厅之前,东道主要先把共餐者对食物和地点的偏好弄清楚,才不至于发生尴尬事件。西方的商务宴客方式主要有: seated dinners 宴会(较正式,嘉宾每人都有各自固定的席位) receptions 招待会 buffet dinners 自助餐(也称冷餐会) cocktail parties 鸡尾酒会(时尚发布会后经常举办类似酒会) some etiquette you 't miss 1. if you don't like what's being served, don't say so. 2. don't put your used napkin oop of the table. 3. if something that goes into your mouth must e out because it's unchewable, don't spit it out or into the napkin. 4. cut only two or three pieeat at a time. 5. signal the servers that you are still eating by plag your fork and knife in an ied v on your plate from the 10 to 2 o'clock positions. 6. turn cell phones off when at dinner. 不可不知的餐桌礼仪 1. 如果不喜欢餐桌上的食物,也不要说出来。 2. 不要把用过的餐巾放在桌子上面。 3. 吃到难以下咽的东西,也不要吐出来或吐在餐巾纸上。 4. 吃肉时每次最多切成两到三块。 5. 如果要提示服务员继续用餐,把餐叉和小刀放在你盘子上10点到2点钟的位置成倒v状。 6. 用餐时把手机关掉。