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03 产品销售 (第4/11页)
l. 朱莉亚:很显然,电视广告最能表现我们的实力,但费用也高。我们的预算很快就会花光,而且不一定能带来好的销售收入。广播虽然花费较低、覆盖面广,但是却不能很好地展示我们产品的特色。 jane: so do you have a better option? 简:那么你有更好的主意吗? julia: i think we could publicize our products by advertising in glossy magazihe cost would be lower than tv by far, but our features could still be seen. and also car owners often buy car related magazines. 朱莉亚:我认为我们可以在印刷精美的高级杂志上宣传我们的产品。投入比电视广告要少得多,还能展现出产品的特色。而且有车一族也经常购买和汽车相关的杂志。 jane: sounds not bad! 简:听起来不错! notes 1. campaign [k?m'pein] n. 运动;战役;竞选运动;v. 参加竞选,从事运动 2. performance [p?'f?:m?ns] n. 表演;实行;履行;性能;本事 3. bang [b??] n. 猛击,猛撞;砰砰的声音;劲儿,活力 4. buck [b?k] n. 钱;雄鹿,雄兔;v.(马等)猛然弯背跃起;闲谈;吹牛 5. skeptical ['skeptik?l] adj. 怀疑的 6. gee ['d?e] v. 产生(光、热、电等);发生,引起 7. glossy ['gl?si] adj. 光滑的,有光泽的;浮夸的;n. 有光纸印刷的杂志 小贴士 advertising in modern society advertising is the most important means of promoting businesses and the products they manufacture. it's used throughout the world. a well-used form of advertising is the use of coupons that are found in national magazines and loeers. an individual store owner may include a coupon in his local advertising. the ers are io clip the coupon and bring it to the store to receive a free gift or a reduced prierdise. this is particularly popular because the mert easily assess the effectiveness of his advertising by keeping track of the number of returned coupons. the mess media used include magazines, direct mail, radio, television, billboards and neers. 现代社会中的广告 广告是宣传企业、推销企业产品的最重要的手段。全世界都在用广告。一种常用的广告形式是送优惠券,这种优惠券登在全国性杂志和地方性报纸上。个体店主可以在当地广告中加入一份优惠券,邀请公众剪下优惠券并凭券到商店领一份免费礼物或购买减价商品。这个方法很流行,因为店家通过回收的赠券数量就可以很容易地评估广告的效果。可以应用的大众媒体包括杂志、直接邮寄、广播、电视、广告牌和报纸等。 绝妙广告语欣赏: 1. engio move the human spirit. 人类精神的动力。(梅塞德斯——奔驰) 2. goo