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05 网上购物 (第4/4页)
he watch joy bought oer is fake. she is rather angry about it. 乔伊在网上买的手表是个假货,她为此很生气。 joy: the watch that i bought oer is fake! it doesn't worth that high price. 乔伊:我在网上买的表是个赝品,根本不值那么高的价钱。 mike: how do you know that? 迈克:你怎么知道是赝品呢? joy: very clearly, it has a poor workmanship. it is a copycat, simulating the real brand. 乔伊:很明显,它做工粗糙,是个山寨货,模仿正品的。 mike: the tricky businessman! did you ask the seller to return it? 迈克:狡猾的商人!你要求卖家退货了吗? joy: i did. but the seller rejected to return the moo me. 乔伊:是的,但是卖家拒绝退款。 mike: we should lodge a pliant and stop the seller's tricky behavior. 迈克:我们应该去投诉,阻止卖家这种欺诈行为。 joy: i called the pliant phone several times. but the line is busy. 乔伊:我拨打了几次投诉电话,但是一直占线。 mike: then we call the police to give him a punishment. 迈克:那我们可以报警来惩罚他。 joy: ok, and i'll give him a ive ent to his online shop. 乔伊:好吧,并且我要给他的网店来个差评。 mike: ime we should be careful when we buy something online. 迈克:下次在网上买东西的时候我们应该小心一点。 notes 1. fake [feik] n. 骗子;赝品;v. 伪造,篡改,对……做手脚;仿造,假装;adj. 假的,冒充的 2. workmanship [?w?:km?n?ip] n. 技艺,工艺 3. copycat [?k?pik?t] n. 盲目模仿者;山寨 4. simulate [?simjuleit] v. 假装;模仿,模拟 5. tricky [?triki] adj. 狡猾的,诡计多端的;机警的;微妙的;(形势、工作等)复杂的;棘手的 6. reject [ri?d?ekt] v. 拒绝,谢绝,驳回;舍弃;排斥;退掉 7. punishment [?p?ni?m?nt] n. 处罚,受罚 8. ive [?iv] adj. 拒绝的,不同意的;怀疑的;消极的;〈数〉负的,〈电〉阴的,负的;n. 否定词语;否定的观点;拒绝,否认 小贴士 1. copycat 山寨,是近年来兴起的一个名词。最初是在it领域,主要是一些手机厂商对名牌产品的高度模仿现象,实现低成本的利润。后来扩展到其他领域,如数码相机,鼠标,服装,食品等。 2. ive ent 差评,网上店铺都会有信用等级,主要是顾客对店家产品及服务的评价。好评的顾客越多,则卖家信用等级越高,这家店铺就值得信赖。差评越多则相反。 3. we should be careful of the seller's tricky behavior ime. 下次我们要小心不法商家的这种欺诈行为。 4. maybe we report it to the end industry bureau. 或许我们可以向工商局举报。 5. penny wise, pound foolish. 贪小便宜吃大亏。 6. you must give a good reason and way to deal with it for the detective och. 你必须对这个表上的瑕疵给出合理解释和解决方法。