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Lessn 03 乐器 (第1/2页)
lesson 03 乐器 musical instruments 01 the little girl is relut to play the piano any more. 这个小女孩再也不愿意弹钢琴了。 词组释义 be relut to 不愿意,不情愿 02 i learo play the piano when i was five. 我5岁时,就开始学习弹钢琴了。 类似表达 i began to learn the piano at the age of five. / i have been learning to play the piano sihe age of five. 03 it's b to learn how to play the guitar. 学习弹吉他太枯燥了。 语法提要 在乐器前面必须要加定冠词the,guitar是乐器,所以在前面加上the。 04 you teach me how to play the drum? 你能教我击鼓吗? 语法提要 you...属于委婉语气的疑问句,经常用于询问某人的意见或请求某人帮助等场合。 05 her daughter is playing the cello oage. 她女儿在舞台上拉大提琴。 单词释义 cello [?t?el??] n. 大提琴 06 what's your favorite musical instrument? 你最喜欢的乐器是什么? 单词释义 instrument [??nstr?m?nt] n. 乐器,工具,手段 07 what do you think of their playing skills? 你认为他们的演奏技巧怎么样? 类似表达 how do you like their playing skills? 08 playing the piano raise people's temperament. 弹钢琴可以提升人的气质。 单词释义 temperament [?tempr?m?nt] n. 气质,性格,性情 09 she has a terrific standard of musiship. 她有很高的演奏水平。 类似表达 she has an excellent execution. / her musiship is excellent. 10 he plays the saxophoo perfe. 他的萨克斯管吹奏技巧精湛。 语法提要 to 在句中作介词,与名词perfe连用组成一个固定搭配,意思是“完美的,完全的”。 11 the violinist's execution erfect, but his emotion was so lag. 这个小提琴家的演奏技巧精湛,但是他的情感是如此匮乏。 单词释义 execution [?eks?'kju:?n] n