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第83章 (第2/2页)
流利顺畅的英文从她嘴里不断吐出来,一次次在全场出现、响起。 “what a rec prove again? everyone heard that my voice didn't even appear in this rec. what if someone maliciously falsely accused me? the mastermind deliberately said my o attract fire in order to get rid of suspi? so, please ask the anizing ittee fuidance.” (一段录音又能证明的了什么?大家也都听到了这段录音里根本没有我的声音出现,如果是有人恶意诬陷的呢?主谋为了摆脱嫌疑故意说出我的名字来吸引火力呢?所以,还请支组委会明鉴。) “don't jump to clusions without crete evidence, and please know that the i is not a lawless place. please be cautious in your words and as, and take good care of yourself.” (没有确凿的证据不要往下定论,还请大家知道网络不是法外之地。还请各位谨言慎行,好自为之。) “afterwards, if the anizing ittee needs me to provide any proof of my appearance, i will agree without hesitation. of course, i wouldn't admit a sihing if it wasn't done by me!” (之后,如果组委会需要我出场证明什么,这可以,我会毫不犹豫的答应。当然,不是我做的我一道也不会认!) “i've finished speaking, thank you. there are still classes iernoon, everyone tinue.” (我的话讲完了,谢谢。下午还有课,大家继续。) 林霏潇洒转身、下台,迈出的步子坚韧有力,高跟鞋台阶一下一下的摩擦一下一下的出现,在安静如斯的馆内尤为清晰,从鞋跟落下脚尖抬起的声音能看出对方十分轻松。 她走出体育馆、离开。 无论是从开始还是结束,没有任何一滴眼泪从她眼中浮出来过。 好似,她本来就是一个不会哭的——机器人。 第38章 想么 慕林大学, 校门口。 林霏向大门走着,穿过树荫大道,一步一步, 眼眸失神对不上焦。 现在是放学的时候, 道上行走的人不多不少,两道之间,林霏在左侧, 右侧人员众多, 明明左边只有她一个人, 确都挤在右边来往行走, 所有人都在躲她这一个被定义的“瘟神”。