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Glssar (第2/27页)
band (of the presbyterian clergyman). bane, bone. bang, an effort; a blow; a large number. bang, to thump. banie, v. bainie. ba, bo. bannock, bonnock, a thieal cake. bardie, dim. of bard. barefit, barefooted. barket, barked. barley-brie, or bree, barley-brew-ale or whiskey. barm, yeast. barmie, yeasty. barn-yard, stackyard. bartie, the devil. bashing, abashing. batch, a number. batts, the botts; the colic. bauckie-bird, the bat. baudrons, baudrans, the cat. bauk, cross-beam. bauk, v. bawk. bauk-en', beam-end. bauld, bold. bauldest, boldest. bauldly, boldly. baumy, balmy. bawbee, a half-penny. bawdrons, v. baudrons. bawk, a field path. baws'nt, white-streaked. bear, barley. beas', beasts, vermin. beastie, dim. of beast. beck, a curtsy. beet, feed, kindle. beild, v. biel. belang, belong. beld, bald. bellum, assault. bellys, bellows. belyve, by and by. ben, a parlor (i.e., the inner apartment); into the parlor. benmost, inmost. be-north, to the northward of. be-south, to the southward of. bethankit, grace after meat. beuk, a book: devil's pictur'd beuks-playing-cards. bicker, a wooden cup. bicker, a short run. bicker, to flow swiftly and with a slight noise. bickerin, noisy tention. bickering, hurrying. bid, to ask, to wish, to offer. bide, abide, endure. biel, bield, a shelter; a sheltered spot. biel, fortable. bien, fortable. bien, bienly, fortably. big, to build. biggin, building. bike, v. byke. bill, the bull. billie, fellow, rade, brother. bings, heaps. birdie, dim. of bird; also maidens. birk, the birch. birken, bir. birkie, a fellow. birr, force, vigor. birring, whirring. birses, bris