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Glssar (第3/27页)
tles. birth, berth. bit, small (e.g., bit lassie). bit, nick of time. bitch-fou, pletely drunk. bizz, a flurry. bizz, buzz. bizzard, the buzzard. bizzie, busy. black-bohe presbyterian elder. blaebbit, black-beaked. blad, v. blaud. blae, blue, livid. blastet, blastit, blasted. blastie, a blasted (i.e., damned) creature; a little wretch. blate, modest, bashful. blather, bladder. blaud, a large quantity. blaud, to slap, pelt. blaw, blow. blaw, t. blawing, blowing. blawn, blown. bleer, to blear. bleer't, bleared. bleeze, blaze. blellum, a babbler; a railer; a blusterer. blether, blethers, nonsense. blether, to talk nonsense. bletherin', talking nonsense. blin', blind. blink, a glance, a moment. blink, to glao shine. blinkers, spies, oglers. blinkin, smirking, leering. blin't, blinded. blitter, the snipe. blue-gown, the livery of the lised beggar. bluid, blood. bluidy, bloody. blume, to bloom. bluntie, a stupid. blypes, shreds. bobbed, curtsied. bocked, vomited. boddle, a farthing. bode, look for. bodkin, tailor's needle. body, bodie, a person. boggie, dim. of bog. bogle, a bogie, a hobgoblin. bole, a hole, or small recess in the wall. bonie, bonnie, pretty, beautiful. bonilie, prettily. bonnock, v. bannock. 'boon, above. boord, board, surface. boord-en', board-end. boortress, elders. boost, must needs. boot, payment to the bargain. bore, a k, recess. botch, an angry tumor. bouk, a human trunk; bulk. bountith, bounty. 'bout, about. bow-hough'd, bandy-thighed. bow-kail, cabbage. bow't, bent. bras, ferns. brae, the slope of a hill. braid, broad. broad-claith, broad-cloth. braik, a harro